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Timeline Represented with Gantt Chart

Gantt Chart:



September 2015:

  • Assignments

    • Chose project idea

    • Communicated with faculty advisor (Dr. Senger)

    • Proposed project idea

    • Created OneNote notebook

    • Scheduled weekly meeting with Dr. Senger

    • Made Gantt Chart

    • Developed  website

  • Design Activities

    • Attended weekly meetings

    • Contacted Sustainability Coordinator at Virginia Tech to get pre-consumer food waste

    • Picked up pre-consumer food waste 


October 2015:

  • Assignments

    • Took Engineering Code of Ethics Quiz

    • Researched and submitted standards associated with project

    • Submitted technology review

  • Design Activities

    • Attended weekly meetings

    • Blended pre-consumer waste

    • Anaerobic digestion of pre-consumer waste


November 2015:

  • Assignments

    • Submitted contemporary issues associated with project

    • Design competition ideas

    • Peer evaluations

  • Design Activities 

    • Attended weekly meetings

    • Contacted the Sustainability Coordinator at Virginia Tech to get post-consumer food waste

    • Picked up post-consumer waste at Owen's Dining Hall

    • Researched strains that make glutamic acid


December 2015:

  • Assignments

    • Analysis of potential solutions paper

    • Website design

  • Design Activities 

    • Attended weekly meetings

    • Contacted Dr. Hession about purchasing a bacteria strain

    • Blended of post-consumer waste

    • Anaerobic digestion of post-consumer waste

    • Made a working preliminary design for the process

Completed Continued:


January 2016:

  • Assignments

    • Progress report

    • Update Website

  • Design Activities

    • Attended weekly meetings

    • Order media compenents 


February 2016: 

  • Assignments

    • Updated project goals and objectives

    • Determine a design competition choice

  • Design Activities

    • Attended weekly meetings

    • Contacted Sustainability Coordinator at Virginia Tech to get another post-consumer food waste

    • Picked up post-consumer waste sample from D2

    • Blended post-consumer waste

    • Ran 500 milliliter anaerobic digesters

    • Ran anaerobic digestion samples through HPLC 

To Come:


March 2016:

  • Assignments

    • Mid-term Report

    • Update Website 

  • Design Activities

    • Grow media for Corynebacterium glutamicum

    • Run 500 milliliter anaerobic digesters

    • Run anaerobic digestion samples through HPLC

    • Analyze fermentation samples Raman Spectroscopy

    • Update design for the process


April 2016:

  • Assignments

    • Finalize Website

    • Submit Poster

    • Submit Presentation

  • Design Activities

    • Make the design poster

    • Finish obtaining Glutamic Acid yields


May 2016:

  • Assignments

    • Submit Final Report

  • Design Activities

    • Submit to Design Competition

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